The Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble focuses its modest budget on the production of high-quality concerts. Ticket sales cover only a small portion of our expenses, so your contributions are a crucial part of our income. Donations to the Women’s Ensemble are tax deductible, and a number of donor benefits are available.
You can donate by:
- Sending a check to our mailing address at the bottom of the page
- Clicking / Touching here to donate online
- Calling us with your credit card information (505-303-8648)

Winter Concert, 2023
Roland Pabst Photography
Other ways to give:
- Contribute on a monthly giving basis. Contact your bank to set up a bill pay option.
- Recommend a gift to the Ensemble from your Donor-Advised Fund.
- Leave a legacy with a planned gift from your estate.
- For individuals 70 ½ years and older, ask your advisor about the Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) to donate IRA assets directly to a charity annually, with potential tax benefits.
To help in other ways:
We appreciate our board members and would love to have join us. Please call 505-303-8648 or email [email protected] with any questions.
If you are willing to assist with fundraising, publicity or any other detail of our concert seasons, please contact us at [email protected].
The Ensemble is always in need of ushers for concerts. To volunteer as an usher, contact us at [email protected] or call us at 505-303-8648.
Santa Fe Women’s Ensemble
518 Old Santa Fe Trail, Suite 1 #271
Santa Fe, NM 87505
(505) 303-8648
[email protected]